Wednesday, March 13, 2013

more than four letter

It's taste ....
      overruled the natural
      sweetness of her kiss..
      its warmth whispers
      my name as I grow
      near to bind our lips
      The softness I've
      embraced you can
      tell was tampered with
      because I've been forced
      into a state of recline while
      being fed a future of bliss
      It's feel...
      Dances between the
      thin hairs upon my
      skin, its music played
      by every touch so those
      hairs refuse to bend,
      exchanging my standard
      thoughts with one's that'll
      heighten the tension love
      does its best work when
      pressured by sensation
      It's aroma...
      stains your space
      taking the place of
      oxygen so every inhale
      renews what's real your
      bodies plagued again and
      It's sound...
      A lions roar when
      fleeing from the depth
      of him while her screech
      mimics the soothe of
      one playing a violin
      It's look...
      So bright able
      re-light a "lovers"
      skin.... It's been
      said to leave a
      glow something
      similar to the suns
      morning grin
      If  my current
      love for her replaced
      the dim in the moonlit
      Sky's..... All who roamed
      the night would need
      a bright repellant  to
      protect their eyes
      L o v e...... Is more
      then just four letters,
      only those who really
      been there are aware of
      its hidden pleasures
      More then four letters
      (c) 2013 viewtifulink

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