Monday, December 10, 2012

out of reach

    I wish my arms
      had a reach equivalent
      to the hear in gods ears...


      Hands that could
      embed love into
      all those who's
      tamed by fear

      Bullies in parental
      camouflage a disguise
      that portrays care, so
      it's natural they see love
      that appearance keeps
      the child unaware

      What could a child
      possibly do for you
      to inflict a permanent
      bruise.... scars that
      never fade growth can't
      defeat the memory of
      mommy or daddy intentionally
      being cruel, yea we get older and
      learn from broken rules but you
      can't reverse the damage of
      a heart that's black and blued

      You can't rewind the
      time where pain was
      introduced due to a
      mood, frustrated work
      days made beatings
      a stress reliever after
      school, daily arguements
      turned physical when it came
      to you leaving you questioning
      above like " GOD WHAT THE

      tears become disable
      there's no feelings
      left to be removed you
      become conditioned by
      the pain theirs nothing left
      for you to lose

      raised by one who
      endured an arsenal of
      abuse so im aware
      of the fight I'm currently
      living with the proof

      What was done in
      her past time struggles
      to erase... Some situations
      she prevails due to her
      "Parents" prior mistakes,    
      granting her strengths one
      could only acquire when
      coming from a horrid place
      but please don't be confused
      the depression is still great

      other situations tend
      to register as "fake"
      when you've never
      been fed affection how
      could you identify it's
      delightful taste.. learned
      to love as an adult her
      entire childhood was
      absent faith so to believe
      anyone cared to her knowledge
      was a waste

      Fifty four years young
      and still takes it day
      by day, who'd think a
      couple years of abuse
      would affect you all
      this way

      Out of reach

      (c) 2012 viewtifulink

love switch

When love invades
      your scene it tends
      to sell you awaited
      dreams, a bliss that
      last forever or at least
      that how it seems
      A new admiration
      for life a smoothen
      flow something like
      a stream and then
      time throws it's rocks
      confusing it's pace
      diverting it's means
      certain things....
      began to chip at
      that switch, most
      you can ignore awarding
      your level of care the
      assist, later in the game
      them perfect passes you
      tend to miss because now
      your fatigued that level of
      care is not as rich
      That thirst you
      had for love your
      better half can no
      longer quench it's
      like that pure they
      used to pour it now
      served from a faucet
      Love switch...
      it's amazing how
      quickly things can
      change, yesterday you
      wanted forever today your
      happy you didn't fulfill that
      claim, yesterday them birds
      would chirp but this morning
      they refused to sing, it's
      impossible to maintain
      that drive if your desired
      fuel is constantly drained
      I remember when
      the thought of your
      name aroused my
      face, excitement yelled
      go forcing the corners
      of my mouth to race,
      your beauty would cheer
      them on as they ran in
      opposite ways stretching
      as far as they can like
      they were commanded
      to create space
      Now thoughts of
      you only lends proof
      to the hands of fate...
      I've always thought
      I had control due to
      my belief in the strength
      of faith, little did I know
      time threw that lesson
      all in my face granting
      me the knowledge of
      loves common mistakes      
      Love switch...
      Who'd think what
      I felt for you could
      be dismissed, someone
      tuned off memories light
      your physical state is all
      that exist, if I was shielded
      from your sights even that
      I wouldn't miss I guess this
      is the sum of turning down
      loves switch
      Love switch
      (c) 2012 viewtifulink 

walked her way

She said......
      I just wish for
      an hour you
      could feel the
      strain of walking
      in broken shoes..
      With words I can't
      express my hate for
      these unwritten rules.
      Just to prove my
      love I have to dirty
      my knees or my
      legs must divide
      with intention on
      fulfilling his needs..
      respect is all I ask
      an answer I've never
      received and he continue
      to play these games he
      knows I hate it in my
      We both laughed....
      right before the pain
      stained her face... Hatred
      for life trails which I attempted
      to wipe away... She said
      " don't..... my only relief
      is to let it stream I just wish
      the flavors were reversed
      he would hate this dreadful
      When I express myself
      it seems it only creates
      space, shutting the door
      on my feelings only reveals
      the same fate......
      As I reply with silence
      he claims I'm inviting
      him to a chase, one in
      which he won't accept
      so he walks the other
      "Stop crying "
      " don't ! " she pushes
      my hand away...
      Our eyes now
      entwined she asks
      after a sigh " I just
      need a ear is that okay"?
      I quickly nodd my
      head then start to
      develope this awkward
      taste and a couple
      thoughts later her
      pain is witnessed on
      my face.......
      ................  ...........

      " you o.......
      muzzled out what
      she was about to say
      with my concerns on
      the fact that I've made women
      feel this way....
      It's a shame it took
      your pain for me
      to see what I've
      inspired.... I borrowed
      your heart for a second
      and these tears were
      immediately hired, I
      applaud your courage
      a greater vision you've
      inspired so I thank you
      for this light yesterdays
      bright is now retired
      and I apologize
      this was supposed
      to be about you...
      She said " shhh, I've never
      seen you cry this is cute,
      and this stress was eating
      me so no I thank you, she
      gentley wiped the pain away
      smiled and said " how you like them
      broken shoes?
      Walked her way
      (c) 2012 viewtifulink

love drug

I use to love drugs...
       well I still do, its just
       my old dealer fading
       slow this new high I'm
       not used to.... when I
       Visit the sky I seem to
       witness a different
       blue like the sun went
       to sleep lending it's job
       to the moon

      These clouds a
      different puff I can't
      adjust to how they
      move.... I can't embrace
      that usual soothe they evade
      when I show an interest in
      looking cool      
      So every time I get
      high I'm trapped in
      a big empty room,
      Setting myself up
      to crash like diving
      in an empty pool..
      you knew there was
      no water but diving in
      you couldn't refuse because
      the thought of a new
      high seduces your mind
      and arouses you      
      So you flood
      your veins allowing
      that new addiction to
      push through hoping
      once it reaches your
      heart the fight against
      your prior desire would
      But it don't...
      you just enhanced
      it's ability to intrude..
      It's potency doesn't
      compare so your harassed
      by thoughts of what was
      poisoned by your past
      that influenced by something
      new and it hurts the best this
      time a sting inspired by what's
      I used to love drugs..
      I mean I still love love
      but the stains they leave
      behind..... Your always
      forced to press rewind..
      work so hard at staying
      clean but can't control
      the debris left in your
      mind, with every move
      your forced to think if
      in loves direction your
      past you'll find, pinning
      you places you don't wanna
      be hideous mountains you
      rather not climb, just be
      aware when using love
      a drug that has a habit
      of stealing your time
      Love drug
      (c) 2012 viewtifulink

fell in lust

     A round of applause
      to the lens for it's attempt
      on finding perfection, a
      standing ovation to the
      subject a reward which
      defines this inspired erection
      Thoughts of recreating
      a definition for the meaning
      of a blessing if that choice
      was in my hand you my dear
      would be my selection
      Amazed at how the
      camera swallows your
      sweet complexion,
      jealous that your flavor
      isn't one of my oral
      investments, a caramel
      base watch you make love
      to your reflection then
      assist you once you
      melt now that's a sticky

      if sexy was complicated
      you would be my
      perception, I'd have
      no problem being
      wrong if you were
      submitted as my
      correction, if I was
      continuously ignored
      then told you were the
      physical form of rejection
      I'd purposely be annoying
      just to be entwined with
      your projection
      You seem experienced
      I'll sit back teach me a
      lesson, I have no problem
      taking orders use me I'll
      ask no questions, you can
      play the teacher I'll be your
      student with an obsession
      and when class is finally
      finished We'll proceed and
      switch professions
      A picture that paints
      pictures fulfilling my
      desires for a lusty
      feeding me images your
      ocean spill my infiltration,
      massaging your insides
      as I embrace your suffocation
      satisfaction everywhere a
      mandatory evacuation,    
      saturated by your passion
      implying a success at
      penetration but you had
      the last laugh subtracting
      your fun with an oral
      This photo here of you
      surely redefines sexy... I thank
      you for lending your beauty
      towards my gift of poetry
      Fell in lust
      (c) 2012 viewtifulink 

flaws of a leo

Sometimes I wish mom
      and dad wasn't sexing
      eight months prior to
      august..... I can't explain
      my storm anger rains even
      when the level of pain is at
      it's smallest
      I can't explain the runaway
      train witnessed once my
      feelings are slaughtered...
      the impact equivalent to
      the snap in a father who'd
      Been forced to lose a
      a shortened fuse god
      given it far from how
      I was brought up.... I can't
      shake it fate keeps denying
      my request for a trait alter
      Some may determine that
      I'm cruel due to my refusal
      to lose.. I swear I attempt
      to admit my wrongs my ego
      alters my route as the message
      is halfway through, leaving me
      with a taste like my food
      was seasoned with fool, I
      try but can't grasp my pride his
      only care is portraying cool so
      when alterations call on the
      voice of my inner man silence
      is what he'd  rather choose
      mentally developed a
      habit of claiming home
      to anywhere I loved to
      stand, it's like taking ownership
      of everything that embraces
      my hand..... Time is everything
      dedication sponsors my plans
      so when my space is taken
      for granted I may seem selfish
      when it comes to my land
      if my help was ever
      in need my hand would
      never fail to appear, if another
      didn't understand you could
      alway count on my ear, foes
      disguised as friends sometimes
      abuse our enhanced level of
      care because it's natural for
      us to help a king provides for
      all thats there
      A natural born king
      so our expectations may
      seem strange... Things
      I may desire sometimes
      can exceed your standard
      range, most may see it as
      a reward when to me it's
      fairly routine, this I hate
      the most its caused me
      so much pain because the
      victims of my demands
      to my heart their usually
      I'm a Leo and sometimes
      I wish my date of birth
      I could change.....
      Then again....
      I wouldn't be this
      strong if yesterday
      was lacking all this
      Flaws of a Leo
      (c) 2012 viewtifulink 

i hate this place

Why am I here...
      my walls all
      disappeared, I'm
      surrounded by your
      touch, your soft, them
      gentle stares
      It all held together
      with the reasons
      that assemble your
      care this current place
      I fear how the hell did I
      get back here
      I used to...
      but its like love
      just uses you...
      A four letter word
      which brings forth
      an illusion of true..
      Everything is real
      the title of love feeds
      you that proof but in
      reality its the individual
      that serves you that truth

      Ninety percent of the
      time she doesn't follow
      loves rules, that same
       ninety percent
      he's playing her to be
      a fool, today love is just
      a game and I want no part
      of that vicious duel but she's
      forcing herself upon me I was
      elusive but misplaced that
      I'll admit I miss them
      nights and her ability
      to soothe but I refuse
      to invite that pain endured
      when it's  warmth your
      forced to lose
      It's like being skinned alive
      your soul permanently
      bruised.... Because you
      needed her but your request
      she didn't approve... Buttered
      you all up rich with flavor she
      made you drool just to show
      you her dismissive strut be
      aware love can be cruel
      developed hatred for
      something we need to
      feel at ease... Stumped
      like the mind of a child
      when told to say please..
      that bliss one receives
      is as nice as a summer
      breeze but it's ugly is
      as bad as the pretty when
      fall poisons our trees
      I hate this place, I
      know it's impossible
      to shake fate but if it
      was up to me love wouldn't
      leave its cage
      I hate this place
      (c) 2012 viewtifulink

trouble maker

Patiently waiting....
      For the day we
      share the same
      intention... One
      which gives our
      clothes a brief
      moment of suspension
      we spend your heated
      nights voicing our
      desires for pelvic
      friction but still are yet
      to take action like this
      satisfaction has a restriction
      time spent on the phone
      should be time we spend
      alone, your moist is self
      attended my stiff lackes
      its influential moan, the
      things I have in mind
      with gods hand you couldn't
      clone, Ive had so much time
      to plan for when we commit
      to being grown
      Round one....
      Should mimic the
      pace of a snail's
      race....  Gently remove
      your clothes growing
      eager to stuff my face
      my parents never mentioned
      sexy ever occupying my
      plate I've never felt this
      grateful for being blessed
      before I ate
      All your natural
      flavor I'll strive to
      extract sensations
      waste leaving your
      scent on my lips like I
      purchased your vaginal
      gloss in a form of an oral
      Round two....
      I'll freestyle depending
      on how you move, sometimes
      they invite me in others feel
      they have something to
      prove.... So I'll either spread
      you open or be introduce to
      your oral groove it don't
      make me no difference this
      time around its all on you
      show me how gifted you
      are station me near your
      tonsils or smother me with
      your flood test my stroke
      within your pool
      Round three...
      We attempt to triple
      what you released...
      using the saturated
      sheets as a judge for
      what we need to
      exceed.... Once we
      meet your peak we
      multiply it by three
      then I'll dive off the edge
      into the ocean you
      created beneath
      I have a thing
      for pleasurable
      sweets so it's how
      I'll end this meet and
      you'll never forget the
      day you allowed me to
      set you free
      Still waiting
      (c) 2012 viewtifulink