Thursday, March 31, 2011

Has anyone see faith

Her eyes flirt with the sky
While her thoughts are in
Search for answers, setbacks
Throughout her life aids the
Belief in faith being a mental

Each day she's blessed
By being awaken from her
Sleep, another day gone
Minus the sight of that
Certain belief

Believing in something
Absent the warmth of it's
Presence she feels is much
To ask, especially when pain
And hurt seems like the only
Things interested in her grasp

Drained from such pain
She can no longer produce
Tears, she's grown immune
To disaster so she smiles
At things you'll fear

She feels trust is a reward
A privilege granted to another
Her trust in faith is missing
Misplaced once she was deprived
Of being a mother

She views god as a Indian
Giver as his gifts to her
Was quickly taken, her
Passion for him still lives
Even with her loss her
Love is not forsaken

The beauty behind giving
Birth was smeared by the
Presence of death, A
Sadden aroma filled the
Room inspiration to
Why the smiles have

Induced by gods will
She is forced to live with
Hate, she regrets every
Ounce of trust she ever
Contributed to faith

Has anyone seen faith?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

this is my passion

Inspired by the thought
Of one acknowledging
My name,or a strangers
Desires for seeing my ink

It's not the fame.....

It has no aid in my excitement,
I'm aroused by the people I'm
Able to touch through my

A passion I've endured for
Only a little more then a year,
Lacking time to think of marriage
But if poetry proposed it's ring
I would wear

A bond I strive for I am
A slave to my pen, my heart
Assists my mind with
My craft and it delivers the
Message to my limbs

Each piece engraved in
My soul before its made
Viewable to the reader,
So it's company is wealthy
The paper views it as a
Highly paid feature

Mental penetration is the
Occupation of my words, an
Invasion in your bloodstream
Stimulating all your nerves

Bringing froth times
That were lost or you've
Vowed to keep hidden,
Some filled with bliss others
You'd rather keep missing

Ink that assaults that
Spot in which encourage
Tears, or an extraction
Of a message that could
Aid in facing fears

Rebuilding a strangers bond
With oneThat was claimed
missing For years, or
repairing A problem I've
Witnessed Between my peers

A gift that feeds off giving
And I welcome it's greed,
I'll continue to spill my ink
As long as the world continues
To read

This is my passion

Monday, March 28, 2011

a change for better?

Never has ones life been so devoted
To another, her heart beats via
His existence as if she was born
To please her lover

Every step taken benefitted
To his direction, her body plagued
She was sick he is the infection

One Which was soothing but
At times harmful to her body,
Configuring her mind his speech
Made her thoughts a little cloudy

Baffled by his feelings and emotion
Induced by his anger, heated situations
are approached like Shes a total stranger

A bond in what she felt should
Never carry so much pain, daily
She's customized by these
discourteous Names

Sharpened words that punctured
Her skin and simmered beneath
Her tissues, sautéing her ego
Burning her confidence and
Melting through the gristle

Subliminally a physical change is
Requested by his sudden actions,
Her only belief is his happiness
So she strives to fulfill his

She altered her look and sprinkled
Some spice on her walk, a shift
That robbed her of her identity
Even a switch in how she talked

Committed to the success of
An unhealthy relationship,
She did what ever it took
To make sure she was one
He'd refuse to quit

A heart of such size deserved
The best this world has to offer,
But she tripped and stumbled
intoLove now tangled with one
Who isn't worthy enough to
Sport her

A change in herself was one
That wasn't needed, a correction
In her interest is the plant that
Should have been seeded

Change is good just make
Sure it's for all the right reasons,
Unwanted change can be harmful
Be sure it's the right season

A change for better?

Sunday, March 27, 2011

her ring his brand

A beast disguised as a
Man in search of one to
Wear his brand, absent
The skills to acquire a fan
So Intimidation is used as

Happily married in the sense
Of that's how it's supposed
To be, there marriage lack
It's core his ways encouraged
Love to flee

A bond assembled by pieces of
Fear mentally installed here and
There, so now his words her
Skin it tears like the outcome
Of your teeth inflicting wounds
To a pear

His direction was best its what
Her eyes were trained to see,
Reprogramed unable to
distinguish right from wrong
Like you and me

Her decisions were brutal
If made on her own, lashes
And scars on choices he didn't

Sentenced to life behind bars
Imprisoned by that wedding
Ring, a divorce stays far from
Thought because even in mind
Pain is forced to cling

Time made attempts to heal
All harm done, his raging
Ways were revealed Still
His methods she was unable
To shun

His destruction influenced
The desire of him via a prison,
Not even a week in population
And his life was mysteriously

He was packed and shipped
To a Better place and some
How she continues his mission,
She never got rid of her ring
Absent him she still lived
Through his vision

Now thought of commitment
Brings pain as she lives in fear,
She's like a moving car with
No driver.......

Someone disabled it's steer

Her ring his brand

Friday, March 25, 2011

love taps

His feelings are influential
The inspiration behind many
Actions, there self explanatory
Telling stories of his passion

What he feels for her has
The strength to shift a
mountain, or can cause
Him pain so steep his
Eyes would resemble a

It sometimes strips him
Of his sanity substituting
His default character,
a switch she's grown to
Hate cause it induces
Him to batter her

Domestic disputes with
Him tend to have levels,
The first one stays verbal
His attitude sits mellow

When his point of views aren't
Seen her hands tremble, times
Like such are known to bring
Forth sightings of the devil

Her love for him is extremely
sticky so detachment Isn't
An option, His physical discipline
Is how he shows his affection a
Method She feels is worth adoption

Trained to believe that each
Time would be it's last,
To the old bruises his
words are comedic as the new
Ones appear they laugh

Family, friends, even strangers
Often Challenge her poor
Excuses, but her heart continues
To tell them that his love is one
Of the truest

Her passion for him clouds
Her judgement dismissing
All the pain he's delivered,
It's like being freed from jail
The second he enters so it's
Nothing for him to revisit

Abuse is unhealthy no
Matter if it's from a partner
Friend or mother, if your
The victim to any type of
Abuse please don't allow
It to live undercover

Love taps

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Her foundation weakens
Everyday as life termites
Eat away, her world was
Once Beautiful a memory in
Time which keeps her sane

A playground full of kids
With sticky smiles and colored
Teeth, her childhood full of
Joy that is her sacred memory

When she became a teen she
Seem to misplace her virginity,
A victim of a crime it was labeled
A vicious robbery


By the pain she endured
Through those men, seeding
A plant of hate now blossomed
Into a lesbian

At the age of seventeen a
Confession lost her a mother,
Discarded like the trash
Now her homes the streets
And gutters

For the next couple of
Years she used what was
Given to make a liven,
reuniting Herself with hate
A bond she viewed as something


By the pain she received from
Them lonely cold nights,
Faith was in her corner
so she knew she could win
This fight

At the age of twenty two she
Invested in a place of her own,
A room it wasn't much but
It was a place she could call

Still her own employer now
At a greater level, prices, the
Settings Her standards she is
No longer fucking for pebbles

Her earnings nearly tripled
Still she is unsatisfied with
Life, a story told by tears
She fears of never becoming
A wife

Stained ....

By the pain that was held
Deep in her thoughts, she's
Gained much experience But
Still Bleeds from what she
has lost

Her beauty hidden by the mask
Made of her painful history,
Stained to her face so she's
Smothered in her misery,
Everyday she takes a step
On washing her stains away
Assisted by the one who
Answers when we pray


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

punished by birth

From a child I always wished
I wasn't born, a request
encouraged by the treatment
I received once my brother
Was gone

Five years apart he was the older
Of the two, since his departure
My sky's are no longer blue

Gifts rained upon him as if
A Christmas cloud hovered
Above his head, saturated
With talents so hatred made
My brothers bed

Abused by the fact I couldn't
Fill his abnormal sized shoes,
Gifted in other areas places in which
My father felt wasn't true

Plagued with Disturbing
memories of my childhood
Nights, induced by his hands
Which usually left me venting
To Christ

Alcohol aided his thought of
Wishing me and my brother
Switched places, I'm wounded
With the facts that I'll will
Never be his favorite

Trained to believe I'm
The reason for him losing
A son, a loss which clouds
His memory of having a
Second one

Many unsuccessful attempts
To take my own life, a strategy
I've drawn up the only one I
Feel would hand me a victory
In this domestic fight

Punished by birth due to
The fact I wasn't his
First, a truth I'm reminded
Of daily he verbally expresses
I'm his physical curse

It gets worse.....

My mother was also

She grew tired of living with
Pain, through her eyes I had
The resemblance of dirt

I was the pain she felt
Turned her insane, so she
Took her own life with
Thought of my brothers
Taken in vain

Punished by birth still as
An adult I live with
This, constant pain from
Open wounds ones that
Will never ever be stitched

Punished by birth

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

30 minutes prior

She lays in awe of the moment
In which she was given, still
Placed in the state in which she
Was driven

In love with the feeling
As her mind keeps it in
Play, a half hour past
And still sensation has yet
To fade

His touch still felt her
Skin roars for it's champ,
A standing ovation by the
Hairs as they two rise and chant

Her stomach strained from
Repetitive gasp, triggered by
The pleasures he was able to
Cast, enhancing it's speed her
Breath causing a draft, a half
Hour past and still she is
Unable to grasp

Aftershocks Felt from her
Bodies previous quake, (please
Forgive that line as we all have
Witnessed what japan was forced
To face) Her mind in replay
So her body is forced to
debate, confused on the present
because like her past it still
Continues to shake

Her thoughts generate a thirst
One in which requires his
taste,still smothered in his
Scent her mind easily imagined
His face

Her fingers mimicked His
Motions impersonating his
Thrust, her body repeated
It's emotions induced to rapidly

Excitement lunges through
the Air as if it was extracted
From her body, Passion rains
Down upon her bed making the
Sheets more moist and soggy

Thirty minutes of basking
Only increase her desire for
More, her thoughts won't
Let him go her tolerance for
His return was extremely poor

30 minutes prior

Monday, March 21, 2011

Her letter to love

Dear: love

Sometimes my thoughts
Drag me towards a place,
Somewhere far away a land
that suggests you have a face

A living breathing thing
With a mind of it's own,
A conversation with my
Mind In which it believes
You rather me be alone

It's hard to keep faith
That your here for us all,
I've done climbed mountains
In search but only found
Different ways to fall

Is there a number I should

Or an address where we could

Doubts continue to grow on
Your destination being reached
By my feet

Are my strides to short
Or are my feet to small,
I even walked on my
Knees in constant prayer
So I crawled

Many times I've caught
glimpse Or felt your
Presence Here and there,
It's like your allergic to
My desires cause when
I'm near you disappear

It hurts to see you show
My friends and family
So much affection, i
Give it my all to impress
You but still I lack
Your attention

I even question.....

Am I worthy of your

Does my beauty go
unseen, Maybe not strong
Enough to mention

I acknowledge the fact that
You have a sense of humor,
Situations induced by lust
Leaving talk of you to be
Foolish rumors

Absent laughter at such jokes
Ones in which encouraged tears
Misunderstood them for many
Years, a major influence on me
Blooming in fear

Frightened of you now
As my journey seems like
Forever, maybe it is best
That our meeting status
Stays set to never

Everything happens for
A reason a statement
I truly believe, so
Maybe it's just fate
And you my body cannot

Ps: I love you love,
From the one seem to

Her letter to love

Sunday, March 20, 2011

damaged goods

Stories of pain and suffering
The author being her eyes,
Acid cascades down her face
Cooking her skin each time
She cries

Trained by experience to
Believe she wasn't worth
A smile, repetitive endings
To her relationships decisions
Of deletion made easy like she
Was a corrupted file

She sports a fragrance of
Betrayal a scent stained
To her skin, she lives under
A torched ego a continuous
Fire set by men

Wonderful dreams nightly of her
princess Days only to wake up
To a world she hates, reminded
Every morning that those sightings
Were fake, by the reflexion in
The mirror of her distressed

Beautified daily a makeup
Cup filled with wounds and
Scars, routine decorations for
An incinerated star

Combs made of broken
glass equipped with razor
Sharp teeth, everyday she
Strives for pretty but
Through her past she
Continues to bleed

Her clothes knitted with
Flammable threads, so
The slightest movement
Caused her hurt to spread ,
Friction between her skin
And such painful attire easily
Influenced sparks eventually
Evolving toFire

Every inch of her life was
Fueled By devastation, She
Prays for an empty tank but
Overnight suffers a gassy

Refueled by sleep....

Only to repeat her day
Of strain, I pray for thee
Damaged women who
May took visits to this

Damaged goods

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Shes Captured in the moment a
Photo taken by great hands,
A gift given to one deserving
The perfect blessing to a loyal

In awe of her state
As time for conception
Draws near,It's reality
Lately struck equipped with
A tad dose of fear

While Excitement fills her veins
Streaming throughout her
Body, her thoughts grow
Untamed and her judgement
Now seems cloudy

A seed purposely planted
Soon to witness it's growth
One should be proud,
Her pride heightens with
Time dragging along some
Reasonable doubts

Questions linger ones
That batter and bruise
Her confidence,abusive
To her thoughts extracting
Smiles From her joyance

Concerns of her readiness
To take on such a challenge,
Second guessing her ability
On keeping a financial balance

Conflicts within herself summoned
By this time of glee, absent
experience she felt one needs
To succeed at times like these

Appreciative towards our lord
And his gift of responsibility for
Another, but now baffled by his
 decisionAs she feels unprepared
To be a mother

Our savior never presents us
With situations we cannot
Handle, so take your biggest
Fear and treat it as his example,
One that proves your power and
Brings forth your inner strength
When faced with a concrete circumstance
understand this Isn't punishment


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

transcendent love

Her love for her love exceeds the
Strengths of Gravity, the loss of
Her love would Deprive her of
Her humanity

Transforming her natural
State placing a curve in
Her fate, Creating a violent
crave for missing love
And It's taste

The very thought also
Comes at a great cost,
Painted images and
Hurtful illusions she wish
She never bought

Her cheeks glistened......

Moisturized by there friends

From false visions.....

Of segregation between her
And love

The sight of blood.....

An expression in resemblance
To her tears, Now plagued with
False imagery that encouraged
Her screams in fear

Her sharpened teeth
Completes the monster that
You seek, after reading
This piece and acknowledging
Her love was unique

A love this deep.....

One in which we all
Desire, Fumes embraced
From it all has the ability
To seed a fire

A cloud like comfort is
Absorbed in it's presence,
A soothing bed to your head
Mental bliss the feelings

It's sighting could ease
Any pain you've endured
Refilling your body
Your tank of joy is now

A lost of something special
Could trigger anyones inner
Monster, understanding
Everything that lives must
Die can make love easier
To sponsor

transcendent love

Monday, March 14, 2011

decomposing secrets

We all are entitled to keep
Things hidden, A mental
Vault deep in our thoughts
In which the release of
Information is forbidden

Some Things of less importance
May find it's way to light,
Assisted in it's escape lured
From the dark by something
You like

Others appear sacred in which
Reviling them could cause
Harm, Verbal strikes Inflicting
Wounds similar to those gained
By the swinging of your arms

Those are the thoughts we keep
Caged like wild beast, Wisdom
Comes with age as time progresses
They learn to free themselves from
There leash

Beastly secrets that's held
inside now roams unleashed
Enraged from being force to

Searching for an exit to
Make use of it's worth,
Internal pain it has caused
Ever since the secrets birth

Now bashing and bullying
It's way around, your pride
Seems it's not enough to keep
It from tearing you down

It's hard to keep a secret
When it hurts so much
Inside, knowing if it was
Unchained the hurt would
Multiply, your forced to make
Choice live in pain or tell the truth
Some secrets are so dark they
Began to chew right through

Now the pain is visible
As the secret leaves a tagging
Of it's presences, scaring you
For life leaving everyone
To physically see this present

Decomposing secrets

Friday, March 11, 2011

secret admirer

Too many nights her bed
Lacks the presence of another,
Frustration aids her thought
Of her not necessarily in need
Of a brother

Her desires enhanced by the
Mood set by mother nature,
An image molded by the rain
A beauty grasped soHard
It introduced her to a different

One in which she never tried,
The ingredients indeed she
Held inside, all this time
Before her eyes, the mirror
Is where she should have
Focused her cries

Now drifting from her lonely state,
Gradually encouraged to endure
Her fate, her finger tips she began
To taste in preparation to be
Used as her mate

She kept from thought any
Masculine pictures, to embrace
The image of her adorable figure

Passion of self used to indulge in
Such pleasures, satisfaction brought
To one magnified by the weather

A masseuse to her vagina
A job landed by her hand,
Exceeding the pleasures of
Prior encounters ones in which
Evolved a man

Growing fond of herself
As thee erotic session proceeds,
Sensation flows throughout her
Body a warning of her climax
It was indeed

Absent a presence of one to plead
She called on her name introducing
Her greed, begging for more
While continuing to please after
This night a presence she will
No longer need

She smiled in the mirror
At one who she admired
A sensational night that
Loneliness inspired

Secret admirer

Thursday, March 10, 2011

were all different

Victimized as a child to
His peers he was the joke
Instant laughter upon his
Sighting as if he was a walking

Shorter strides when he walks
Tweet like tone as he talks,
a wealthy mind to support
His expensive thoughts, A
Lesson he'd learn in which being
Different came with a cost

His attire was out of date
So he looked of awkward taste,
One in which gave a stench and
Built assumptions of his spoiled

His appearance made fools of
Those who'd seek, convincing
There minds that his family
Was financially weak

His priorities were colorful
Never thrilled by a brand,
Lacking interest in the finer
Things plain and simple
Was his daily plan

Rumors spill of a freak
That lives near, proving
Ignorance grows like a fungus
Upon fear

Exaggerating statements such
As he was known to fly,others
Claim they seen rainbow lighting
Flee from his hand and shoot
Across the sky

Mutant like behavior in which
Was never seen, a lie that stands
Strong as if they said grass is
Always green

Being different is a blessing
Don't mistake it for a curse,
If your one who's seen as an
Outcast acknowledge you was
Born with a greater worth

Were all different

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

By all means

A family man.......

Who's only dream is
To succeed as a parent,
Influenced by his childhood
And how his father managed
To appear transparent

Committed to a vow he'd made
To himself, one in which his
Childs Cards are reasonably

Financially he took a hit
Something like a stray bullet,
Unaware he was a target
His weight the shooter claim
He wasn't pulling

Now lacking an income it seems
His responsibilities have doubled,
The game was in his hands and
He'd bet his life he wasn't about
To fumble

shameful acts brought on
by His current situation,
Regaining his strength to
Stand on his own was his
Only occupation

His shift started at night
A time unthreatened by
Much light, a job by no
Means was right soHis
days were devoted to

A hypercritical life A route
He felt would win this fight,
Ashamed of His beastly
Nights but still he continued to
Roll those dice

Sometimes your faced with
A choice that's impossible to
Refuse, punishing thoughts
Of your current loss aids your
Will in not wanting to lose,
In addition Lending assistance
On giving sight to your inner
Fool which leads to an ending
Of your nightly actions Turning

by all means

Absent guidance

A life story that's far to
Common, mines isn't great
Still I am thankful for the
Situation I'm in

Youth with great potential
But lacks the ability to
See it, shielded from what's
Best by the environment in
whichMost were seeded

Existing in an era where
Chaos is awarded, A
competition where the
Winners life is happily

Role models who's physical
Attributes are abnormal,
Rare genetic gifts so
Kids are forced to look
Towards those who are a
Little less formal

Entertainers Who portray
Such a graphic image, forgetting
To flash there signs stating most
Of its a gimmick

Misleading our youth
Ones who seek proper
Guidance, attracted to
What's at sight so there
Actions speak through violence

Unfortunate pain caused
By the lost of our brothers
One I'm lucky enough to
Have not experienced in
Which we acquired the same

Still I have felt it's wrath through
The means of another, born with
Different blood but endured love
Form each other

Beautiful minds gone
Talents unseen or unheard
Thoughts filled with gardens
Equipped to soar higher then
the birds

Our younger generations suffer
Pleagued with this curse, sadly
Said but seems true it all will only
Grow worse

Absent guidance

love is war

At the gate......

It's worth is similar to
A million dollar estate
When troubled it's thought
Alone can help you get away

A freedom like joy your body
Is known to embrace, excited for
Tomorrow a thrill equivalent to
A high speed chase

As time progresses obstacles
Are placed, challenging your
Passion and smothering your
Space, the battles now begin
Some struggle to pull there
Weight which encourage
Negative thoughts Eventually
A lost in faith

Pain lives in loves shadow
Awaiting the perfect time to
Strike, think of it as your day
It's always followed by the night

If you never trained to fight
And desire a love life you
Need to understand that pain
Is loves wife

A BITCH!......:

Pardon my ink To the female
reader, but she breathes destruction
Eats suffering and sleeps eager

She's negatively driven strives
To scar you with deception,
Shes aroused by your tears
In her eyes there affection,
Penetrated by your hurt
Ejaculates from your thoughts
Of being cursed and is never
Satisfied a whore who loves to

Love is like a rose if cared
For it sits pretty, but when
Ones focus is clouded it's structure
Can turn a little gritty, petals began
To fall slowly death sneaks it's
Way in so keep your rose healthy
Because love don't have to end

Love is war

Hell conscience

Clouded by the guidance of
One who seeks pain, assisting
Her thoughts to believe our saviors
Positions changed

A messenger sent to cause
Havoc to her brain,attempting
To scramble her thoughts with
Hope she grows insane

Her beliefs are at war with
The message from this servant
Clouds began to form as the situation
Grows urgent

Grasping her attention as they taunt
Her with childhood amusement, she
Looks towards the sky still trapped
The swing seems amusing

Unable to let go chained by her thoughts
Filled with bliss, reminiscing of her younger
days Times she loved and missed

Such a potent illusion used as
A lure to pull her in, but her focus
Lays towards whats true even when
Her beliefs have grown thin

Our lord strengths are unmatched
As he refuses to release her gaze
No matter what you face make
Sure it's him in which you praise,as
Times like such he won't give up
Shrinking all your worries, even when
Evil lurks with plans to sabotage and
Turn thoughts blurry

Hell's conscience

his second chance

His skin saturated with pain
He's caused to others,A molding of
His frame built by hurt so he lives

He is only man yet many have
Fallen by his hands, never was
Praised by holy fans but lived
As the world was his to command

After a career Involved in such
Destruction, he grew obese from
His greed of corruption

Thoughts of eruption haunted
His dreams, so he looked towards
A presence who's servants wears wings

He took a swing........

Hoping to be seen,
Unaware of the lords
Strengths Who could spot
His troubles through a seam

Consistency was his testimony
In thee eyes of our savior, so
He was forgiven for his untamed

Relieved of the weight that
Was gained through His
pollution, now in better shape
Which will alter his previous

The Years of agony that currently
Plagued his skin, was extracted
From his body with the force of
a strong wind

A new beginning he was granted
An award for someone who seeks
Change, Prove your worthy of such
A gift and your reward shall be the
Same, keep from thought what you
Have done and the severeness of
That pain, because he forgives all
Who lays trust in his name

His second chance