Monday, May 30, 2011

fuck less

She was one who once
Lived off sexual satisfaction,
Three, four, five times a day
She endured sexual transactions

Orgasmic mornings with the
Sun it's shine a witness to her
Daily routine, The moon kept
Light upon her nights it's glow
Masturbated to the things her
Room walls claim they never

Twisted up and broken down
Her life refused to turn
around, as time ticked
Her income would shift
Money was never absent
It was the presence of dick
That was rarely found

Her walk tampered with
Due to her great desire
For a fix, her vagina visible
A clear attraction no man
Should miss

Ashamed at this pain
So she keeps her face
Hidden, embraced years
Of pleasure via her hand
As if penetration via a
Penis was strictly forbidden

Rest in pieces to her pussy
As it bleeds away it's
Purpose, Death lingers
Between her thighs her
Unused kitty now seems

Embracing penis inspired
Pleasures is the only route
To awakening from this
Passionless dream, She
Feels tied down unable
To move constricted by
Celibate strings

The cause of her sexual
Frustration still lives amongst
The shadows, Each time she
Gets a glimpse the sun appears
Dismissing any shade below

Living a fuck less life
Can induce multiple levels
Of frustration, can you
Ladies imagine your life
Absent vaginal sensation

Fuck less

Viewtiful ink
© 2011

Thursday, May 26, 2011

fuck me like a toon

I have this friend who's
Vision was crystal clear,
She was in love with
Having sex if she could
She'd fuck the air

She had these flickering
thoughts ones of her
Being a toon, sexual
Sessions in awkward
Places yesterday she
Was fucked on the

A different level of sensation
Penetration beyond the sky's,
When she came it filled the air
An outcome equivalent to
When clouds cry

Can you imagine the passion
Of an orgasm that great, massive
In size when your climax arrives
It's seen and felt in other states

Fuck me like a toon.

She said adjust your
Penis size, a different
Inch for every position
Make it eight if you want
Me to ride

If we're in sixty nine
It don't need to be that
Big, I'm already getting
A face full don't want to
Damage my Esophagus

Fuck me like a toon.

Turn your fingers into
Dicks, so when you
Eat my pussy i can still feel
Your length and width

A three for one deal
Vaginal and anal
Penetration, while your
Tongue massages my
Clit multiplying stimulation

Stretch your penis out
Let it reach up towards
My mouth, right now
I'm handicapped that'll
Make this an even bout

Fuck me like a toon

We can do anything
We please, fuck me
Underwater there's no
Need for us to breathe,
Fuck me like I'm starving
And is plagued with an
Orgasmic greed, allow
Me to feel your explosion
Plant your seeds I won't

Fuck me like a toon

She said it one last time
If cartoons did exist fucking
One Would blow your

Fuck me like a toon

Viewtiful ink
© 2011

Zero gravity

She dreamt it....

Passionate times exceeding
Anything she'd ever felt,
Day dreams inducing
Body heat her fingertips
Sizzled when she Pleasured

Her over night journeys
Left the sheets drowning
In her satisfaction, good
Mornings her best friend
Due to her travels through
Such sacred lands of passion

Keeping in thought these
Erotic trips she strives to
Discover such lands, there
Easily found when mentally
Out of bounds but she desires
Them on demand

Not one sexual encounter
Lived up to her pleasurable
Standards, until last night
She witnessed sparkling lights
As if each thrust was a flashing

A man who was able to
Pull her from the earth
Dismissing the laws of
Gravity, sending the message
Death to her priors this night
Was a sensational tragedy

A high of all highs her
Soul now one with the
Sky, a dream come true
He painted it clear an
Artist of pleasure in

Her climax lingers

Sipping on the little
Fluids she had left, her
Legs unstable arms disabled
To speak seemed like a quest

Not an ounce of energy
To move but the air is
Where she'd rest, Decreasing
Her high off his supply indeed
Would stand as a test

Finally let down gently
Reunited with the ground
In a pool of all her juices,
A night of fun one she'd
Love to rerun but for now
She hopes to regain her fluids

Zero gravity

© 2011 viewtiful ink

Monday, May 23, 2011

piece less

Born into a life where
Each piece was Perfectly
United, Never thought
He'd meet a day where
Things seemed awkwardly

So much was promised
In his future by his
Constant flow of success,
Influenced by a mentality
Of a Champion everything
He did he had a desire to
Be the best

An unfortunate turn around
Due to a hand full of different
Things, Starting with the loss
Of the heart to his personal
Support team

His one.

The reason that made
His success so important,

His run,

Was reduced to a slow pacing

his son.

That misplaced love stole his
Desire for motion, his time
Slowed now completely froze
This familiar pain was potent

Each day he's blessed with
Life a gesture he feels is gods
Mistake, before he sleeps he
Prays away explaining to god
Why he shouldn't awake

His prayers clearly dismissed
Frustration begins to fuel
His actions, A fuel induced
By death similar to that he
Stays inactive

The main piece to his puzzle
Has been taken against it's
Will, the other players
Begin to fall they lack
Leadership on the field

Day after day he loses
A pieces of his life, how
Can one live with losing a son
A year after losing a wife

Piece less

© 2011 viewtiful ink

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Our world is filled with
Pain rapidly it grows
Seeming impossible to

That's wild pain.

Not in the sense of our youth
street Slang, but out of order
Like an animal untrained

It moves without respect
Welcoming itself into our
Lives uninvited, it should
Be able to tell by our reaction
To it's presence were not

We do endure joy but
With this corrupted world
We're often Blinded,
overwhelming shade dims
The light in which our
moments of Bliss have
Often provided

Leaving some to believe
Death is our only true

no cares
           No worries
                          No pain

Happiness to them would
Be standard as if it was
Used to breed em

In no way am I trying
To induce one to think
that death Is our route
to joy, your Life is most
precious One Shouldn't live
as if that blessing Is a toy

I do believe pain is
unavoidable due to the worlds
Natural desire to live happy,
How would one know what
It felt like to be treated good
If they never were treated badly

To be completely shielded
From pain you would have
To be stripped of all that
You love

           Your passion

Anything you felt
Had the effects equivalent
To a drug

Living without a heart
Is only possible in the afterlife,
So when they say ones off to
A better place you would
assume that assumption is

What would you do?

Who would you pay?

To live a Careless life,
God placed us in this
Horrid place So when
He calls we know what
Real freedom is like



Sunday, May 15, 2011

i do, but i cant

You ever wanted something
So bad but just knew it
Wasn't right, the thought
Stimulates your mind
But your hearts in no
Mood to fight

Your legs could take you
There but your stomach
Will dismiss any further
Bites, a mind set ready
For war but your armor
Is just to light

That's life!

We're fed good things
To prepare us for something
Great, you ever realize when
Somethings good you wish
You had a bigger plate

That desire you have to go
Is that bigger plate, don't
Pump your breaks due to

Of You assuming you
Plan your fate

What ever happens today
Is prearrangement for your
Future, second guessing
Opportunity long term
May be crucial

Or it may be useful,

That only time can tell .
Wiser then us all time
Knows everyones tale

Patience is times cousin
Be kind to him and
You'll meet time, all
He ask of you is to
Keep him in thought
Allow him to explore
Your mind

With their assistance the
Sum of every move that's
made Is easily seen,Don't
Allow fear to cloud your
judgement She thrives off
Thoughts that are Unclean

Scrambled thoughts her
holiday she feeds on
Sloppy minds, fear
Will starve to death
If you embrace patience
And believe in time

I do, but I can't should
Never be an option,When
A random future is always
Available for adoption

I do but I can't


Thursday, May 12, 2011

verbal penetration (fan mail)

Dear, Mr. V

I couldn't sleep, my mind

disturbed mentally,

Not in the sense of me being
Challenged but disturbed by
These thoughts, ones In which
Kept me Awake while my
Fingers roamed they seemed
To be Lost

Tip toeing around In
unfamiliar territory
Curiosity Aids to the
Discovery Of a self
Pleasuring story

It's told by your voice
Your tone is the fuel
My hands need to
Explore, it's something
About your ink and my
Loneliness The combination
I truly adore

My mind...

It gets taken all the time,
This happens late at night
Your words start by trickling
Down my spine

Each step they take my fingers
Mimic like a mime, I pray the
Piece is long because that
determines my pleasuring time

Do you mind?...

Is this to much?...

That would be my luck,

For you to endure this letter
As incoming harm and just

Please don't !

I would never wish pain,
Only to alarm you of my
Reasons in which I claim

My stories of my sex life
And how they are insane,
Your pen is the heart that
Pumps the blood through
Those massive veins

Understand I am a Virgin
When it comes to the real
Thing, As long as your
Pen bleeds I feel that story
Isn't in need of change

I'm in love with your work
Always waiting thee arrival
Of the next........

Please excuse me sir V
Your words have made way
To my breast!

Sincerely, your #1 fan!
In love with your

(fan mail ) verbal penetration

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


When one doesn't believe
It's hard to keep there
Head high, low self esteem
And a lack of confidence
Decreases the force behind
There drive

It shuts there eyes.

Disabling there Ability
To see, not only what's
In front but the gifts
Our father Set out for
Us to seek

Mentally they weep via
Deep thoughts that there
Weak, recovery isn't cheap
The price to repair such
Damage is awfully steep

Once ones ego lives beneath
They wouldn't dare to take
A peek, Tamed to believe
There current stage is and
Will be there final peak

There worth deprived
By ones who usually
Mattered, only they possess
The power to leave one
Mentally battered

Words that pierce your
Skin leaving behind pain
Equivalent to bones being
Shattered, the aftermath
Increases the hurt it's when
They hear the sudden

Insecurities, low Self esteem, and
Self doubt all are induced by
Others, those who live with
This are often victims who
Been mistreated by another

The suspects usually received
There share of mental
bashing, absent knowledge
To overcome there relieved
By Transferring such a

If you are one who has
Doubt in which clogs
Your ways to breathe,
Dismiss what they say
Adjust your ears to gods
Tone he is one to set you

If you believe he will proceed
To release you from that
State, no being on his earth
Should have control of your


Monday, May 9, 2011


Awakened by a crave
An interest to misbehave
Like a fiend desire for a hit
Her choice of drug was wide
And thick

His dick!.....

It's admirable shape made
Love to her thoughts,

His lips!...

Her first stop Giving
his penis the treatment
Of a boss

He awakened to a warm
Sensitive kiss, her thighs
Hugged his cheeks while
His hands made friends with
Her hips

His eyes now wide open
Breakfast in bed was his
Shit, An unexpected favor
A deed influenced by her
Hunger for a fix

A slow eater...

He adores each and every
Flavor, taking his time
With the pussy ensuring
All it's juices are carefully

That deal he feels is major.

Her mind still on the prize
With it in thought his face
She rides, his tongue
nonequivalent in shape and
Size but It's skill still
Induced her vaginal

A down pour his face now
Saturated with satisfaction,
Sipped and licks she wiped
Him clean now moving down
For an oral transaction

Her mouth used to simulate
The feeling of her vagina,
Warm wet and smooth feelings
Equivalent to being inside her

She continues to tame his
Penis until it's set to her
Level of stiff , finally it's
Firm and shaped as she
Wished placing her in
An erotic state of bliss

The time has come to
Spread her lips via the
Width of his dick, her second
Ride She closed her eyes
While lowering herself upon
His stick

Now his arms wrapped around
Her as if he was giving her
Hug, thrusting hard from
Beneath her she moaned
" daddy your gonna cause a

Bitten lips
Tightened fists
And The swelling of
Her clit, all signs that she's
at risk of releasing at a rate
Equivalent to taking a piss

She woke with a throbbing
Itch one in which he easily
Fixed, a scratching which
Resembled a much needed
Hit he was her drug she an
Addict to his dick


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

blind sided

His appearance is what
Catches her it all starts
With his look, you can't
Go fishing absent bait and
Plan on getting something

There conversation is
Intense her attraction
Grows with every word,
His smooth influences her
Blush her cheeks rise as
If jokes were heard

Within a weeks time she
Felt the need for physical
Interaction, a week after
That feeling overwhelmed
He embraced all that passion

Months go by her eyes opened
Wide She's convinced there in
The presence of love, He takes
On the role while she continues
To glow unaware he is a walking

As time progresses his
Actions hint at him wanting
To be alone, aggressive remarks
Annoyed expressions no answers
When calling his phone

Her Attempts to address the
situationWere muted by his
Admirable charm, When
Ever she'd share her hurt
And complain she was
met with open arms

He spoke of there deep love
Simulating her mind with use
Of false tongue, he blinds
Her from the truth her
Vision handicapped as if
She only could see through

His false love gave the illusion
Her life was happily ever after,
Reality struck Shattering her
Dreams An outcome in which
Induced his laughter

Don't allow love to cloud your
Sight pay attention to your ones
Heart beat, If it tends to skip
When y'all presence is mixed
Then you know there love is

Blind sided


consequences of being born a male

We're both the same at first
Viewed as the cutest little things,
That vision blurs with age
Growth aids to the thought
Of change

Most women raised by
Open hand a method
Uncommon when raising
A man, the palm is to
Sensitive fists are more
Likely part of our plan

Thaught from young
The good in life is never
Handed to receive we must
Fight, women observe this
Absorbing advice now to
There knowledge they just
Have to keep looking nice

Men are tamed to believe
In being the sole provider,
When it should of been
Taught that occupation is
Equally divided

This is why most men
Grow up living like they
Do, looking down towards
Women as if they were checking
Out there shoes

Men are often criticized for
Not living like the other, if
You live the family life ,

Wife , kids, nothing on the side

Your life is equivalent to suckas

And you wonder why tyrese
Said "men are supposed to
Cheat" I'm not saying I
Agree on that's how things
Supposed to be, I'm just
Explaining reasonsWhy
Some men move the way
He thinks

Behind Everyman there's
A trail leading you back
To the way in which he
Was raised, please forgive
Us men if sometimes your
Made to feel like a personal

Some of us switch our route
Many of us stay the same,
If your in search of a different
Breed of man.....

The way weRaise our sons
is what should change

Consequences of being born a


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

fallen ( dedicated to a close friend whos been sent up...)

We've lost one not
Forever but sometimes
The feelings mutual,
situations where he'd
Prevail them moments
Now seem crucial

You ever put together a
Puzzle just to realize your
Missing a certain piece,
Only one still in all your
Perfect picture is incomplete


Like a body missing a
Leg, the movement still
Strong Just awkward
a picture Equivalent
To a mattress absent a bed

He fell to a common mistake
One in which many have
Made, his absence effects
Us all BFDF is currently

We're all shackled by a motto
He's just sitting in a cage,
Distance couldn't kill this
Love what was built could
Never fade

One could never graze...

A bond exceeding the strength
Of slaves

Brothers not because of blood,
Connected by a common

While he's away nothings
Changed but his ability
To appear, all his duties
Taken care of as if his will
Was carried by the air

Thomas your boys are here
As long as you are there,
Hold your head time will
Fly you know we born with
Different gears

Keep in mind we all are
Near even if we can't appear,
Our hands are forever open
Like the paw of a bear

We love you bro
Free Thomas


Monday, May 2, 2011

her nights knight

Her nights cold, loneliness
Aids to her state of freeze,
He was her warmth through
The night like a portable
Pair of sleeves

She had needs. ones in
Which he easily pleased,
Temptation lured her into
Acts ones in which encouraged
Him to recede

Her senses bleed. Slowly
Dying in need to feed, an
Appetite for him but his
Presence moved far from
Her scene

Her vision blurry soon
She feels she'll go completely
blind,The moonlight lit there
Nights it's help she seeks
But she lacks the strength
To climb

effortlessly There love carried
Them through the air, but
Without him by her side she
Couldn't afford that expensive

Her ears...

Often clogged causing
Things to sound unclear,
She Listened for his voice
In the night wind but
Chilling whispers was all
She would hear

His scent still lingers
It lives within a Gift
He had given, a rose
She kept baffled at the
Fact that it's still living

A bitter sweet feeling
It's smell fills her with
An ounce of hope, but
Reality hits repeatedly
Gradually killing her
An outcome equivalent to
shooting Dope

Her body numb to
Any touch that doesn't
Register as his, a love
Life would never survive
This pain makes it impossible
To live

Now trapped in her past
With something her future
Needs, she has to proceed
With a great loss due to
Her sexual greed

Our eyes can often lead us
On to things we don't
Desire, most in which
Would usually be the
Cause of an untamed

Her nights knight