Monday, August 20, 2012

you made that bed

Don't demonstrate your
      love if your life proceeds
      without her... Don't tame
      her mind to the thought
      of love absent the times
      your inside her
      If it takes an erection
      for her to witness
      affection....  Stop telling
      her she's gods description
      of perfection
      Understand "she" only
      acts on what is seen..
      so if your portraying
      care why is it absurd that
      she believes.... You made
      yourself a drug her being
      your fiend now your world
      gets cloudy once she start
      fogging the scene
      Selling hopes and dreams
      praying fate intervenes
      You know reality works
      slow its pace shares the
      race a stream
      A clouded mind disables
      her gift to think.... So he
      disrupts her sense love
      removes that common
      Now her chain of
      thought revolves around
      him.... He's become the
      missing piece self influence
      is fairly thin
      Her new way of thinking
      somewhat encouraged
      an attachment... An
      outcome he never wished
      for but was summoned by
      his actions
      Different attempts to break
      the chain lending her thought
      of his great acting which was
      influenced by the fear of what
      was begingging to happen
      He had faith in fate she
      did exactly what she
      should..... We somewhat
      control fate that's why shes
      so misunderstood
      That first decision we
      make usually leads us
      to our fate and reality always
      hits at a time that's considered
      late....... If your placed in a position
      to make a sudden decision just
      understand every games objective
      isn't always winning
      You made that bed
      (c) 2012 viewtifulink


Stalking the shower
      head hypnotized by
      it's spill... Fading into
      a state one in which his
      mass she feels
      from the warmth of
      his breath to the
      Solid of his chest....
      down to the thick of
      his gift and the width
      of her spread
      even her drip revisits
      re-painting a trail down
      her leg... so her clit re-meets
      her tips re-influencing her
      moan to leave its bed
      Where a simple cleansing
      may last an hour... Imaginary
      passion descending water
      with orgasmic power
      Her skin saturated
      elevating her desire
      for penetration... Taunted
      by her reflection craven a
      vaginal infiltration
      Her thighs hate each
      other so they strive
      for sepration while
      her fingers show love
      beyond her doors that's
      As the waterfalls
      she's in sync ejaculation,
      mentally painting pictures
      of his pelvic infatuation
      In reality her beauty
      is the only flower....
      absent a fertilizer still
      her blossom was opposite
      Self admiration induced
      by a faucet.... mimicking
      her expression of satisfaction
      from when she lost it
      Her moisterizer....
      Naturally provided by
      her provider.... he who
      lends aid frees that passion
      from inside her
      Her mind aids her eye
      lending advice that he's
      behind her.... feeding her
      his physical as the shower
      demonstrates the outcome
      Butterflies invade her
      stomach every time
      she goes in... Because
      as the water falls she
      knows there he'll appear
      (c) 2012 viewtifulink

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Destined we are, or at
      least that's what it seems...
      everytime our space is
      equivalent I'm kicked from
      reality and rebooted in a
      Destiny her name, or at
      least that's what I call
      her.... We don't even know
      each other but her wow makes
      me want to spoil her
      My destiny is we , or at least
      that's what I feel... No matter
      my mood her smile intrudes
      inducing my ecstasy to
      Absent sex still I am
      dressed saturated by
      potential love.... A
      connection yet gentle
      beginners feelings only
      mental yet pure like the
      the presence of a dove
      Believe your eyes for
      what you see is far
      from deciet..... Potential
      love how could this be
      when "we" aren't two
      who speak?
      I'll explain....
      She's like the sunlight
      to a clear blue morning
      sky.... Or that breeze in
      the summer when the air
      seems a bit shy
      She's like that..... Scream
      your taste buds let out when
      ever they encounter that first
      sweet but she's not a one time
      thing once she's seen she influences
      a permanent screech

      She's like that...... Sensation
      storm that plagues the body
      when one is set to release....
      But this storm never clears
      unlike the feeling when one
      no longer leaks
      She's like that..... Sound you
      hear when opening a bottle
      reassuring your drink was
      fresh......  I wouldn't be surprised
      if that sound was mimicked right
      before she engages in sex
      She's like that..... Word you
      use to define satisfaction from
      something you see
      My destiny...
      Her presence is proof that
      god loves me
      (c) 2012 viewtifulink

Friday, August 3, 2012

#1 fan ( a letter to ms good )

Dear : ms good......
      Your glamour is inspiration
      to my temporary wood but
      this piece isn't for showcasing
      my desires to explore within
      your goods
      Your structure....
      Your beauty is a
      Shadow to any blissful
      Creation / a blessing to
      the lens as your captured
      the camera is instilled with
      As you walk upon the ground
      your strut deploys orgasmic
      vibrations leaving the gravel
      fully erect like it was prepped for
      As you share the same
      air the sky's grow jealous
      of your grace a star beneath
      the clouds their used to you
      guys living out in space
      a different breed of bright
      your smile could take the
      suns place then when we
      look above they'll be no
      reason to shield our face
      Easy on the eyes your
      Gorgeous can never
      be erased I swear this
      time around I think our
      lord made one mistake
      Your skin.....
      A caramel spread Layed
      down so smooth.. one stroke
      across your canvas I'd assume
      can soothe the pain of any bruise
      Your eyes....
      A thief when matched
      one feels deprived... Your
      heart in her possession now
      you desire her presence to feel
      Your kiss...
      Becomes a necessity
when amongst those
lips... Them two louscious
twins I wanna meet their
friends below your hips 

I love you....

I know it sounds
weird cause I never touched
you... But it's not a personal
love more like admiration for
the way god struct you 

Ps: If one didn't believe in
       God I'll suggest they look
       At you.... because from your
        head to your toes he planted
       More then enough proof

#1 fan

(c) 2012 viewtifulink

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Im only man

    I'm only man so it's
      mandatory I make
      mistakes for if I'd never
      made one I wouldn't desire
      that accomplished taste

      Loved my past and still
      a different future I would
      accept because mentally
      I wasn't prepped for loves
      best friend stress


      I would strive on
      my ability to make
      "her" wet but physically
      I was only shielding myself
      from the bliss I cowardly left


      Same dance I just
      altered a couple steps
      because I finally discovered
      the courage to admit I was

      So now as I flex I've
      put my eyes to the test
      training them now to seek
      only what has potential to
      be compared to my best

      It's so unfortunate it
      took death for me to
      see..... That there was
      a rose beside me versus
      this grass now that's
      hardly green

      Even as the petals fell
      I reacted as if it was a
      dream... Nudging my
      shoulder muscles like......    
      "whatever it ain't a thing"

      When in reality it was
      exactly what it seemed...
      I let a world fall down that
      had potential to fulfill my

      Now the only thing
      between us is my
      beautiful little seed..
      but even that ain't enough
      I need more then just a

      I  require more then just
      a string piecing me to
      what I need that thread
      shares my DNA but it's
      flow is narrow like a stream

      A river flow of love is what
      my body surely needs the
      bits and pieces I've received
      is not enough to please my

      Reasons to why her
      love was tamed all them
      fingers point to me , all her
      feelings now caged and she
      refuses to set them free

      All the care that assembled
      us has been trained by my
      deceit not in a sense that
      one would cheat but by my
      accelerated decision to leave

      A sky high level of
      please couldn't reverse
      what I caused to flee so
      I keep my eyes front with
      hope our vision once again
      would meet

      I'm only man

      (c) 2012 viewtifulink