Wednesday, March 13, 2013

promises from dedication

Success the roots
      to the thought of how
      you feel your life could
      be, That thought multiplied
      by your acquired gift which
      easily lends a
      assist to the rapid
      growth of that successful
      Great fortune your
      forced to see a salute
      to that "other" guy and
      tv and your ears feed you
      feast with a menu of work
      hards and never sleeps    
      meanwhile time sells
      you dreams your caught
      waiting for your bliss to
      tic, eagerly watching time
      fly beginning to question
      Your faith in success like
      fate whispered " this isn't
      part of your script"
      So many disagreements
      with sleep fought through
      those nights so your days
      were stress free..... and still
      you can't detach anxiety even
      after your blessings of all
      the right keys
      A teaching from
      society we've learned
      that dedication makes
      one unique, providing
      a life of fulfillment like
      a delivered promise of
      someday you'll live
      your dream
      what if you've climbed
      those steps and your
      still not one with the
      sky..... I've heard the
      stories of it being
      the limit just explain why
      that low feels equivalent
      to this high
      Them birds that usually
      sored from below just seemed
      like a couple of spys... I'm now
      considered to be at the peak
      and still can't manage to aline
      with their eyes
      Now that tree of
      success is nearly
      grown but only produced
      thoughts of wasted time...
      because during its entire
      journey through life I strived
      for "his"  mishandling mine
      Success was never
      promised so don't allow
      it to influence your reasons
      to breathe..... Great fortune
      will naturally fall if you embrace
      the life hes placed you to
      Promises from dedication
      (c) 2013 viewtifulink 

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