Tuesday, August 2, 2011


A freak.....

She was, to them an
animal when near them

The meet....

She was, nothing of
what his ears mentioned
her to be


He was, his state of
being sexually

Her peak....

It was, space bound
some where our stars
and planets would sleep

Her beast....

It was, no match for
his pleasurable commanding
leash, orgasmic collar chained
to her feet her freak disabled
it no longer roamed free

Her leak....

it was, a pace the opposite of
creep, her fluids quickly
released as if its visiting
time was brief

Her speech...

It was, nothing our
government could manage
to teach, exorcist, emily, that
type of shit she seem to

Her thoughts...

They were, overwhelming
inducing her juices to flee,
the aftermath of his craft
leaves her penetrated

Her thighs....

They are, moisturized each
time their time invades her
mind, so inflamed with what
he's done his name can cause
her degree to climb

Her hands....

They are, like magic
when ever shes home alone,
she settles for mental flashes
of there crotches clashing no
man can ever retake his throne

I am......

He, who your eyes and
mind have been influenced
to see, my ink works as a
lure to your sexual destiny


©2011 viewtifulink

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