Monday, August 22, 2011

my order of stimulation

Ones body is a slave to
the word of there mind,
mental arousal is the foundation
of a pleasurable time

A penetrating speech plants
visuals of her release, what
ever the mind sees the body is
ordered to seek

Taming her mind to freeze
erotic thoughts of me, verbal
four play from a distance I've
prepared that pussy

Once the thought of my name
induces her to vaginally rain,
the physical aspect will cause
a flood because she's
mentally trained

Moving one pace ahead
I welcome you all to the
tease, now my hands do
the talking building on
her sexual greed

Feathery strokes across
her lips and clit absent
the removal of a stitch,
sounds limited to her sucking
wind while my eyes and grin
talk they shit

Taunting her desires my
fingertips dance around the button
on her pants, taking my time
on revealing her treasure forcing
her hormones to prance

She's now placed in a
a sexual state similar
to me being head deep,
whatever happens after
this it's outcome has been

She initiates a game of
tag announces I'm it
via her lips, I happily
play along taking this game
below her hips

Kiss after kiss with
dragged intermissions
introduced by splitting
licks, gentle swipes between
her lips between each kiss
enlarged her clit

Her stimulation switch
now becomes my main
focus, the key to her drip
a working influence to her

It's excessive flow calls
upon my space provider,
my god given tool I use
to create space inside her

She embraces my thick
each thrust awards me
with a hug,

Her lips.....

They love....

Refuse to let go of my
unshakable drug

My order of stimulation
ends with dramatic
penetration, I aid
her vagina in reducing
my muscles circulation

My order of stimulation

© 2011 viewtifulink

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