Friday, August 3, 2012

#1 fan ( a letter to ms good )

Dear : ms good......
      Your glamour is inspiration
      to my temporary wood but
      this piece isn't for showcasing
      my desires to explore within
      your goods
      Your structure....
      Your beauty is a
      Shadow to any blissful
      Creation / a blessing to
      the lens as your captured
      the camera is instilled with
      As you walk upon the ground
      your strut deploys orgasmic
      vibrations leaving the gravel
      fully erect like it was prepped for
      As you share the same
      air the sky's grow jealous
      of your grace a star beneath
      the clouds their used to you
      guys living out in space
      a different breed of bright
      your smile could take the
      suns place then when we
      look above they'll be no
      reason to shield our face
      Easy on the eyes your
      Gorgeous can never
      be erased I swear this
      time around I think our
      lord made one mistake
      Your skin.....
      A caramel spread Layed
      down so smooth.. one stroke
      across your canvas I'd assume
      can soothe the pain of any bruise
      Your eyes....
      A thief when matched
      one feels deprived... Your
      heart in her possession now
      you desire her presence to feel
      Your kiss...
      Becomes a necessity
when amongst those
lips... Them two louscious
twins I wanna meet their
friends below your hips 

I love you....

I know it sounds
weird cause I never touched
you... But it's not a personal
love more like admiration for
the way god struct you 

Ps: If one didn't believe in
       God I'll suggest they look
       At you.... because from your
        head to your toes he planted
       More then enough proof

#1 fan

(c) 2012 viewtifulink

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