Don't demonstrate your
love if your life proceeds
without her... Don't tame
her mind to the thought
of love absent the times
your inside her
If it takes an erection
for her to witness
affection.... Stop telling
her she's gods description
of perfection
Understand "she" only
acts on what is seen..
so if your portraying
care why is it absurd that
she believes.... You made
yourself a drug her being
your fiend now your world
gets cloudy once she start
fogging the scene
Selling hopes and dreams
praying fate intervenes
You know reality works
slow its pace shares the
race a stream
A clouded mind disables
her gift to think.... So he
disrupts her sense love
removes that common
Now her chain of
thought revolves around
him.... He's become the
missing piece self influence
is fairly thin
Her new way of thinking
somewhat encouraged
an attachment... An
outcome he never wished
for but was summoned by
his actions
Different attempts to break
the chain lending her thought
of his great acting which was
influenced by the fear of what
was begingging to happen
He had faith in fate she
did exactly what she
should..... We somewhat
control fate that's why shes
so misunderstood
That first decision we
make usually leads us
to our fate and reality always
hits at a time that's considered
late....... If your placed in a position
to make a sudden decision just
understand every games objective
isn't always winning
You made that bed
(c) 2012 viewtifulink