Monday, March 26, 2012

sentenced to love

Never once has she
endured this type of
fire / his passion to
exceed the happiness
influenced by any of
her priors

He's built a sacred
bond one assembled
by links saturated with
admiration / a chain
that feeds off pure
so it strengthens a
result to signs of his

As his love for her
is absorbed the chain
it tightens suspending
her freedom / suffocating
her ability to think for even
a simple decision she feels
she needs him

Her whole world fueled
by his care it now
an ingredient to her
air / without him she
couldn't breathe absent
his existence she couldn't

He's become her reason
to live this breed of
      her inner kid
            That childhood crush
                       Them butterflies live

Brought back to life
summoned by this bid

That childhood bliss
unfortunately faded
leaving behind a love
Trained mist / which
continues to feed them
links reassuring that
chain still exist

His presence is no longer
physical still through her
he is visible / tortured by
thoughts of never again
mentally tamed and plagued
by miserable

The things that made
her care now decays
her hope encouraging
tears / this disease no
cure she fears her hart
is shredded theirs not much

Dreams of being free
shes shackled by pain
and his love is the key /
So how can she be released
if his love is gone and that
chain still eats

Love has its affect on
us all but you can control
how far you may fall / getting
back up is never easy don't
rush your steps retreat back to
your crawl

Sentenced to love

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