A quick rinse was all it took
To rewind time back to their
Prior session, the smile upon
Her face tells the story on her
Enjoying that orgasmic lesson
Taunting herself she allows her
Fingertips to do the honors,
Dismissing her self control with
Thoughts of him now they're
fueled toWander
As her vaginal massage proceeds
A desire is built for a greater
need, that muscle she adored
With it's gift to please her
Reaction to the thought was
Equivalent to a vampires when
It begins to feed
She began to plead....
His name!
Her voice!
That's when the phone rang
Rin..... She picked up
Her heart raced as if his
Voice was one she feared,
His tone was erotically mean
Hey baby,
He answered back encouraging
Her pussy to tear, juices ran down
Her thighs like fluids cascading from
Ones eye, if one didn't know any
Better you'd believe her vagina was
Able to cry
What's with the sighs?...
Before she began to
reply, her fingers went
Round gradually she
Moved them counter
Then she answered,
Your sounds just added to
The mix, her tone of voice
Reassured his assumption of her
Being inThe middle of a fix
He knew this....
So his thoughts aimed toward
Her clit, physically disabled
So his words replaced his dick
The mix?.....
He asked while adding a
Hand to his stick, Gently
He massaged his head then
Said imagine me sliding my
Head up and down
moaning she interrupted
oooh my Pussy lips!!
I can feel your muscle
Dividing them as it
Slides it's way in, please
Continue tell me more
She begged as if her chances
Of survival Were thin
Her desperate request
influenced his grin,A
round of applause via
His smile while his penis
Gave a standing ovation
Yes!.... Picture my width
Feel my length as I dig
Deep, pull your hair, grab
The sheets, embrace my thrust
Unveil your freak, allow me
To push you towards that peak
Where your legs and arms grow
Her vagina weeps...
Her hand saturated
It appears glossy,
gasping now barley able
To speak sensation sang
Via her screech
I feel you baby! Just
A bit more, I love that
D*ck I'm about to
Pour, keep hitting that
Spot your rocking my
Core and before she knew
It her fluids were all over
The floor
Nothing was said for about
Three mins but she continued
To breathe as if he was still in
Damn that was good
Did you get to finish
He laughed and said
Girl I need that authentic,
My man is at large I
Feel like I've just committed
A crime
She said come on over boy
I'll give you your time
Her favorite muscle pt2
Viewtiful ink
© 2011
To rewind time back to their
Prior session, the smile upon
Her face tells the story on her
Enjoying that orgasmic lesson
Taunting herself she allows her
Fingertips to do the honors,
Dismissing her self control with
Thoughts of him now they're
fueled toWander
As her vaginal massage proceeds
A desire is built for a greater
need, that muscle she adored
With it's gift to please her
Reaction to the thought was
Equivalent to a vampires when
It begins to feed
She began to plead....
His name!
Her voice!
That's when the phone rang
Rin..... She picked up
Her heart raced as if his
Voice was one she feared,
His tone was erotically mean
Hey baby,
He answered back encouraging
Her pussy to tear, juices ran down
Her thighs like fluids cascading from
Ones eye, if one didn't know any
Better you'd believe her vagina was
Able to cry
What's with the sighs?...
Before she began to
reply, her fingers went
Round gradually she
Moved them counter
Then she answered,
Your sounds just added to
The mix, her tone of voice
Reassured his assumption of her
Being inThe middle of a fix
He knew this....
So his thoughts aimed toward
Her clit, physically disabled
So his words replaced his dick
The mix?.....
He asked while adding a
Hand to his stick, Gently
He massaged his head then
Said imagine me sliding my
Head up and down
moaning she interrupted
oooh my Pussy lips!!
I can feel your muscle
Dividing them as it
Slides it's way in, please
Continue tell me more
She begged as if her chances
Of survival Were thin
Her desperate request
influenced his grin,A
round of applause via
His smile while his penis
Gave a standing ovation
Yes!.... Picture my width
Feel my length as I dig
Deep, pull your hair, grab
The sheets, embrace my thrust
Unveil your freak, allow me
To push you towards that peak
Where your legs and arms grow
Her vagina weeps...
Her hand saturated
It appears glossy,
gasping now barley able
To speak sensation sang
Via her screech
I feel you baby! Just
A bit more, I love that
D*ck I'm about to
Pour, keep hitting that
Spot your rocking my
Core and before she knew
It her fluids were all over
The floor
Nothing was said for about
Three mins but she continued
To breathe as if he was still in
Damn that was good
Did you get to finish
He laughed and said
Girl I need that authentic,
My man is at large I
Feel like I've just committed
A crime
She said come on over boy
I'll give you your time
Her favorite muscle pt2
Viewtiful ink
© 2011